As peace is the end of war, it is the end, likewise, of preparations for war; and he may be justly hunted down, as the enemy of mankind, that can choose to snatch, by violence and bloodshed, what gentler means can equally obtain Quotes By : Samuel Johnson | Added By:
Life is a pill which none of us can bear to swallow without gilding Quotes By : Samuel Johnson | Added By:
Life is not long, and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation how it shall be spent Quotes By : Samuel Johnson | Added By:
The love of life is necessary to the vigorous prosecution of any undertaking Quotes By : Samuel Johnson | Added By:
It is natural for every man uninstructed to murmur at his condition, because, in the general infelicity of life, he feels his own miseries without knowing that they are common to all the rest of the species Quotes By : Samuel Johnson | Added By:
He that would be superior to external influences must first become superior to his own passions Quotes By : Samuel Johnson | Added By:
Life is languished away in the gloom of anxiety, and consumed in collecting resolutions which the next morning dissipates in forming purposes which we scarcely hope to keep, and reconciling ourselves to our own cowardice by excuses which, while we Quotes By : Samuel Johnson | Added By: