Don't go back to something God has already rescued you from.
If you are moving on then you are leaving someone or some place and heading towards something different. There are moving on quotes that show this wisdom of this action, but others that warn of moving on before you are truly ready to do so. If you do not work through any problems that you presently have then you may find that moving on does not improve your situation any. When you break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend then moving on to the next relationship right away could be a mistake. If you hold on to grudges, resentment, or old hurts or anger then moving on is not possible until you deal with these emotions and learn to forgive and forget. If you start moving on before you are actually ready then you may end up with many regrets.
Don't go back to something God has already rescued you from.
Life is Like Riding a Bicycle. To Keep Your Balance, You Must Keep Moving.
Always remember, You Will Live, You Will Love, You Will Dance Again.
Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your garden and decorate your own soul.
You cannot always wait for the perfect time. Sometimes, you must dare to jump.
Sometimes you have to take two steps back to take ten forward.