Being in love means experiencing a whirlwind of emotions, and these emotions can be both positive and negative. When you fall in love euphoria is mixed with doubt and fear. One minute you are on cloud nine and the next you are falling into depression over some perceived slight. Being in love is not easy, and the emotions that this state causes can affect all areas of your life. You may not be able to concentrate or think about anything other than the one that you love. Over time the emotions will stabilize as the relationship grows and deepens into mature love that lasts.
Oh, I don't know what you had planned to do tonight But I just wanna be the one to do you right.
The best feeling in the world is knowing you actually mean something to someone.
You're still the one that I adore, ain't much out there to have feelings for, guess whose it is?
When that shit is real, you just know and I was thinkin bout you, you already know.
It ain't no thing just call my name I'll be right there because nothing changed