7) Maintain a positive space or bubble around yourself. You can do this with thoughts, words, or even visualizing a positive light or glow around yourself.
8) Evaluate the comments and actions of the negative person without feeling personally attacked. This can be difficult at times. Just because someone is a negative person this does not mean that they never make a valid point. Realize that you do not deserve the negative tone and emotions while being honest about the point that the negative person is trying to make.
9) Keep in mind that negative people suffer from intense pain and negative emotions inside. These individuals have much higher health risks and are more likely to suffer from disease and illness as a result of the stress that being negative can cause. When you remember these things it will be easier to have some compassion and to stay positive.
10) Take action instead of simply reacting. Don't wait until someone is sad or angry to try to brighten their mood or make their day better with a few positive words or an act of compassion.
11) Accept that some people are going to be negative and determine whether the relationship is healthy for you. Sometimes it is necessary to cut someone out of your life if you find that being around them drags you down and makes you negative.
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